Moon Blade

Typing game set in the fantasy world

I think this is the very first Flash game I’ve ever written. I remember buying a book on making games with Flash 5, or something like that. I was very into Warcraft then too, so I used the images from wherever I can find, and pieced them together into this game. I make no claims on the artwork used here. I also remember that this is the time where this game “Typing of the Dead” is quite popular, and I thought of making a typing game on my own too.

You attack the opponents on screen by typing the worlds below them.

To use item 1 (Bomb – reduces 5 letters from enemies’ word): Type “!1” without the double quotes.

To use item 2 (Assassin – halves length of enemies’ word): Type “@2” without the double quotes.

To use item 3 (Timestop – stops counter and gives you more time to type): Type “#3” without the double quotes.

To use item 4 (Ultimate Snowman – reduces letters from enemies’ words over time): Type “$4” without the double quotes.

Alt titles

Moonblade Game


Moon Blade screenshots

Moon Blade Gameplay

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