Years of playing Harvest Moon has really made me want to cobble together some kind of cooking game! QuQ So here it is LOLLovely lace design by [link]( !Error reporting by [link]( !Amazing music by someone on Flashkit, but when I google the title of the piece I can’t find it for credit! ): EDIT: It is a copy/piano version of “Seasons” by Vincent Cheng! It was one of a handful of songs preloaded on Creative’s “Zen” MP3 player. (Thank you to the great deviants who helped me with this!) RECIPE TOTAL: 22UPDATES: – added epic ice cream asfdg LOL (recipe by ToddNTheShiningSword) – added meringue (recipe by ~voracioussketching) – added chocolate-covered strawberries and butter cake (butter cake recipe by Yuna-yurble) – added milkshake and pancakes (recipes by alexiussana)—————————————————-– There are 16 possible desserts you can make (and I don’t bake so the game might be kind of nonsensical TTuTT)– Just drag the ingredients to the oven– If you manage to make all 16 desserts, you can download all the desserts as 50×50 pixel art icons and use them for…I guess deviantart icons LMAO– Sorry for all the copyright signs! Don’t want my stuff to get stolen by companies again :TFOUR RECIPES: (in case the game is hard lol ;u; )Caramel pudding: sugar, milk, caramel, eggsMango pie: flour, sugar, milk, assorted fruits, butterChocolate cookies: flour, sugar, chocolate, butterLemon parfait: milk, assorted fruits, caramelIf you are desperately stuck (quq), the whole list of 16 recipes can be found here! [link]( numbers correspond to the ingredients from left to right, so flour is 1 and honey is 7, for example. ouo
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Alt titles
Dessert Maker – flash game v1.4 (22 recipes)