Beam frame


Made with Flash and AfterEffects.

This is a little experiment Im doing. Go to my profile: [link] and scroll to the bottom.

The custom boxes should look similar to the animation above, and it should adapt to most of the resolutions and browsers.

Its still under testing, so if you see in my profile that its structure is broken or something is out of place (under your normal usage, resizing the window too much will break it), I would really appreciate if you could take a screenshot of that error, because I cant test it in all browsers with all the resolutions.

Something I already know, the bottom part wont be always centered or may not even appear, DA custom boxes are very limited codewise, so I dont want to lose more time fixing that, and it looks ok anyways, so~ XD

If there are not many visual errors for you, I will experiment a bit more with the code, and later I will release the source explaining how it works.

Graphics (c) *inferno988

Release date



Beam frame screenshots

Beam frame Gameplay

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