Complex 1v1 RPG. 96 classes, 210 passive skills, generated items, and the most badass enemy youâve ever tried to kill!
(Kong Exclusive!)
You are trying to kill a spider!
But itâs no simple task!!!
Here are a few tips to get started:
-This game is permadeath, but you gain âStar Powerâ and âGold Powerâ based on your highest stage reached, item rarity, best hero level, and more ( These make each run start with more skills and gold )
-Use stars to enhance your characterâs skills, and unlock new skills using gold on tomes in the shop!
-Tomes and Items are bought in random draft assortments from which you may select only 1!
-Items can be equipped, sold, or destroyed only during the respawn time of the spider!
-Items are activated (not passive) and have limited # of uses each stage!
-Thereâs a tips/tricks thread in forum!
Game updates:
NOV 4, 2018 5:31AM
(11/4/18) update:
just made this to address the most prominent and possibly âunfairâ issues people have had, while leaving the overall difficulty high.
-spider no longer assimilates part of your ghostâs skillset into its own
-16x crit chance and 25x cast chance removed from the spiderâs starting skills in challenges to prevent random instakills
-death penalty forgiveness added that prevents the first 50 deaths from having any effect, and MHP scaling beyond 50 reduced
-percentage based spider venom scaling reduced for all skill categories
-something else maybe
NOV 3, 2018 9:28PM
(10/24/18) update:
-24 new character classes added (Apparition, Zombie, Chosen, Banker, Colossus, Enforcer, Starseed, Sniper, Phoenix, Nightmare, Wisp, Artificer, Duelist, Calamity, Librarian, Abomination, Illusionist, Eviscerator, Seraph, Professor, Juggernaut, ArchMage, Genius, and Savior)
-28 new skills added (Living Metal, Retaliation, True Damage, Reduction Shredding, Dark Ritual, Purification, Rebirth, Immunity, Vortex, Stoneform, Perseverance, Insight, Radiance, Divine Intervention, Provocation, Distortion, Vertigo, Waveform, Neurotoxin, Divinity, Retribution, Reinforced Armor, Status Shield, Masochism, Gold Interest Rate, Astral Projection, Mana Burn, and Chaos Affinity)
-added option to review spider stats at death screen
-damage stat trackers now reset each stage to view current damage taken on each stage rather than totals for the entire run
-effect damage tracker added
-multifire condense made more consistent
-lots of glitches fixed (crashes, damage calc, rounding errors, broken skills, etc)
-possibly added a couple glitches also
-new graphic effects added for spider
-several sources of lag fixed
-buying tomes now has an increased bias chance to roll skills you do not already have unlocked
-complete game rebalance of progression/skills/items/spider/market/etc. basically everything is different in some way, recommended starting a new game
MAR 11, 2016 1:15AM
(3/11/16) update:
-Market Items added to page 2 of store, for bulk item buy, and upgrade allows increasing rarity and decreasing price.
-Page 2 now properly locks and unlocks at stage 250 as intended
-Diminishing Return Skills now have 80% of their amount per level and max amount if not one of your class skills!
-Item tiers in store affect price less, but base amount somewhat higher
-x/all base price increased but influence by skill tree level cut in half, making leveling skills first a more viable option
-Spiderâs status inflict chances cap at 10% instead of 100% allowing resistances to have more impact
-Spiderâs Flurry/Multicast now cap at 500%
-Spiderâs hidden ES% damage now caps at 1% vs 100%
-Item price reduction limit now 50%, but also affects market items
-Enchanted ES now has a stage scaling limit on the magic charges per second it can give (1000 +4%/stage)
-Shortcut to Inventory in page 2 store
-Shortcut to Store causing game over to break, fixed
-gold to stars converter not adding amount to total stars in stats fixed
-counter attack moth removed
-Antimage now has magic energy shield vs magic drain
-Magic energy shield limit increased to 600
-Special skills no longer targeted by venom
MAR 7, 2016 11:55AM
(3/7/16) update:
-Page 2 added to store, Exchange gold for stars, upgrade the exchange rate, or buy +/all skills at dynamic cost to gain ratio
-Gold utility greatly reduced
-Rarity scaling from stage increased
-Enchanted ES is now a % of ES lost vs flat
-ES regen 2/level instead of 1
-Tomes have more innate luck
-Cure All now also cures Acid
-Healing/Energy Charges in Holy skills gain stage scaling
-Minimum Physical damage now calculated after crit,execution,etc. instead of being 5% initial damage
-Gold on-hit and direct damage, fixed for condensed multifire items
-graphic scaling of condensed attacks reduced
-DestroyAll/SellAll filters now default to having all types selected
-All shop items now have an increased % to rarity (even bronze tier)
-Impending Doom graphic error fixed
-Impending Doom now doubles the stored charges when you die or the timer expires.
-post100 spider respawn graphic changed
-Foreboding title based on deathsâĻ
-Moths are doomedâĻ
MAR 1, 2016 7:20AM
(3/1/16) update:
-24 new classes unlock from stages 125-250!
-11 new special/evil/holy skills!
-Ghosts now auto-banish after 20 seconds
-Spider gains status immunity during the respawn time and cleanses of statuses on death and revive.
-Spider status resists now cap at 99%
-Tomes now have innate Luck, creating bias toward offering locked tomes in draft.
-Stage scaling added to Aegis and VoidReduction.
-Acid prevent added (rarely) to shields
-Stars per stage increases more over time (+20 stars/stage).
-Star/Gold homing bug fixed.
-short prevents overriding long prevents if used after fixed.
-Direct damage activating 2 times per hit fixed.
-Destroy Value effect found on items giving gold value instead fixed.
-Spellvamp killing you if guardian power has you at negative magic damage fixed.
-Max Overkill scaling on the spiderâs crit chances instead of your own fixed.
-1/sec speed options replaced.
-updated various tooltips for more info
Release date