This is The World’s Hardest Game 2! It is harder than any game you have ever played, or ever will play . Work your way through 50 incredibly hard levels and claim your spot on the world highscore board. Be sure to check out the Tips and Tricks page and also if you haven’t played it yet, check out the original World’s Hardest Game. I was approached by Addicting Games, who saw the first game and wanted to sponsor me to make a second one. So right after finishing 30 levels of the first game, I had to ditch everything I made and start coding the game again from scratch, this time with 50 levels… that took some time, and was very, very boring. The music for this game was made by a friend of mind with the alias, “mexifry895”.
There exists an older version of “The World’s Easiest Game 2” which does not have enemies removed from level 37, which is yet to be archived. Proof of existence:
Release date
Alt titles
The World’s Hardest Game Version 2.0;The World’s Hardest Game 2; TWHG2; WHG2
Source (via