Directions are at the pre-loader!
This is basically the result of on-and-off work the last year and a half. It’s disorganized as hell but once you find your way around it, this is probably one of the better time wasters in the scene creator world.
Some notes:
It’s disorganized, but here’s some general directions:
The most leftern side blood effects, and the mostern right will go any where. The center effects will only go on the body, but not the head, just incase you want to do shoulder/neck wounds. The bottom left splash affects are for background effect only.
1. All the armor you see on the bodies are just there to save space, they’re not actually part of the bodies.
2. There are different incarnations of characters behind themselves, such as MC5 hank and MC7 hank.
3. May be some layering issues, haven’t found any though.
4. I suggest playing in full screen via the uploads.ungrounded swf link.
4A. Alternatively, zoom in your webpage to around 150.
5. The bottom hands near the background accessories are layered to go -behind- the character bodies/heads, giving the affect of depth.
Interesting Stats:
Over 50 backgrounds.
Over 50 weapons.
Over 10 characters plus 30+ Accessory combinations to make your own.
A couple custom sprites.
Click = Drag+ Drop
Right and Left Arrow Keys + Click = Rotate
Shift + Click = Flip Object
Click + Up and Down Keys = Scale
Release date
Alt titles
The Madness Scene Creator 4