The South Park Timmy Game

The South Park Timmy Game

Maneuver Timmy around obstacles and collect items for bonus points.

Arrow Keys: press the arrow key in the direction you want to move Timmy. Spacebar Key/Action Button: Press space bar once to start the action meter, and again to activate Timmy’s special moves for each game level. Mouse: move your cursor over Timmy’s wheelchair controller in the direction that you want Timmy to move. Rolling off the controller and hitting into obstacles returns Timmy to neutral.

KEEP IN MIND: When Mr. Garrison, Mr. Mackey, or Principal Victoria appear on the screen, Timmy gets nervous, causing his controls to be the OPPOSITE of what they should be. Collect clues along the way and try to figure out who took Gobbles!

Release date


Source (via Wayback Machine)

The South Park Timmy Game screenshots

The South Park Timmy Game Gameplay

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