The Mysteries of Life With Tim & Moby: Symbiosis

The Mysteries of Life With Tim & Moby: Symbiosis

If your cat or dog has ever had fleas, you’re already familiar with the concept of symbiosis. In this BrainPOP movie, Tim and Moby will tell you about the symbiotic relationships that occur throughout the natural world! You’ll learn about three different kinds of symbiosis, and the effects they have on the animals that enter into them. You’ll hear all about parasites, and how they feed and grow by hurting a host organism. You’ll also learn how symbiosis can help organisms survive and grow. And finally, you’ll discover how symbiosis occurs inside your own body! So be sure to watch this movie. But don’t be a parasite–get your own subscription first!

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The Mysteries of Life With Tim & Moby: Symbiosis screenshots

The Mysteries of Life With Tim & Moby: Symbiosis Gameplay

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