Before you ask anything about my dress ups, please see if your question has already been answered in the F.A.Q. Thank you.
Other Trinity blood games: Seth Nightroad/Mirka Fortuna/Astharoshe Asran/Lilith Sahl / Mary & Jane / Esther Blanchett / Ion Fortuna.
See the sources for her outfits here in Dress ups —> Reference pictures –> Trinity Blood
Character is Shahrazad “Shahra” al Rahman from Trinity Blood. Spoilers ahead(?)!
… What’s with all the TB dress ups lately? I’ve been working on a rather large game for a while now, but I wanted to take a small break from it. I considered doing Ion too, but he was much more important character and therefore had a lot larger wardrobe, so I settled with Shahra, who died in the same arc where she was introduced. Less drawing for me that is.
I wanna do a dress up of Ion, Abel, Esther, Lilith and Caterina too~~~ Though I don’t like Esther at all, but she has nice outfits. Meh.
This time I triple-checked whether the hair buttons work. Last time 18 people commented on the same mistake…
Release date