Save The Massive – an Invader Zim Game

Save The Massive – an Invader Zim Game


*crickets chirp. cheep cheep*

Ok, so maybe not. XD: But well, the game is finally here! I hope you enjoy playing it. =) Because I had a bitch ass time making it (first time with actionscripting, w00t)

Sorry about any glitches you may encounter in the game! I didn’t know how to fix them ^^; But in my opinion they make the game more challenging XD My excuse for them still being there anyway lol

Some glitches encountered:

:bulletred: Phantom mines (you enter into a blank spot of space and somehow game over)

:bulletred: No-damage enemies – enemies dont hurt you for a small amount of time

:bulletred: Decreasing amount of lasers as level progress (dont worry they reset themselves each time you come to a new level)

Maybe one day i will actually fix those, when i learn how to actionscript properly and look back on this thing and go “OMFG WHAT KIND OF LAME ASS ACTIONSCRIPTING IS THAT? :omfg:”

ANYWAY. Just a little heads up but if you defeat the boss there’s this really short animation that plays. See! You do get a treat for winning =D Oh…and i spose i better tell you:

:bulletblue: In order to defeat Level 1 you need to get 3000 score and

:bulletblue: in order to defeat Level 2 you need to get 5000 score

OH YEAH, and there’s no music or SFX so you can listen to your own damn music while playing this game. Ain’t i nice? ;D

Have fun playing! :wave:


Lol, you know my bro-in-law actually screwed up the first copy of the game? I was having a lot of problems with the script and he being a programmer and having a love for puzzles (and knowing about as much actionscript as me…in other words very little) I asked him for help.

What i didnt count on was the fact that he was a programmer, had a love for puzzles and knew about as much actionscript as me *palms face*

And he refused to get off my chair and leave my game alone XDDD So i kicked him off only to find he had broken it somewhat (well i guess he could’ve fixed it eventually…) Good thing i had had another copy saved eh? EH?! :dance:

Art and game (c) me [*]

IZ (c) JCV

Actionscript help from

Additional Actionscript help from ~

Release date


Alt titles

IZ GAME – Save The Massive


Save The Massive – an Invader Zim Game screenshots

Save The Massive - an Invader Zim Game Gameplay

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