
Ok, my brain hurts… :S i have to do a new engine for pacman, i have to use flash tutorials to understand why the controls are so freak in my previous pacman remake, this time i add an intro of “Carlox” (…thanks men looks very nice now :D) and original music, and remove the background music, i add the 10 levels next, jejej only change fruit… xD ajajajaja like original game cause make new walls levels its pretty dificult… 😛 im trying to do a new engine with diferrents levels… so please KONGREGATE VOTE GOOD FOR MY GAME!!!!!!!!!! jaajajajaj
Queridos amigos latinos, tendre que traducir el resto de mis juegos puesto que si los hag en espaÃąol los votan con 2 estrellas… lo lamento… 😉 seguire subiendo en 2 idiomas hasta que aprenda a hacer cambio de lenguaje dentro del juego….

Updated: I upload a new 3.1 version with improve movements, and with 30 fps… if oyu want more speed, press L to low quality…. Now add Highscores



Release date


Alt titles

Pacman Remake


Pacman screenshots

Pacman Gameplay

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