Naruto Character Creator

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I’ve lost my interest in Naruto so I’m not planning to add any more stuff to this game, so please don’t ask me to add ___ or wonder where ___ is

So it’s finished now. It was supposed to be a lot better (especially “body” and “other” categories should have had way more stuff), but I’ve been working on this for almost a month and now I don’t want to see the whole game ever again. Man, I’m totally exhausted! So I probably won’t add any more stuff in some time. But if you spot a bug please tell me, and I’ll try to make myself fix it.

While doing this I noticed that Naruto clothes are pretty boring…

Sorry no reset button (for now). It wouldn’t work, and then I got mad at it and deleted it. I’ll try to add it someday.

Release date



Naruto Character Creator screenshots

Naruto Character Creator Gameplay

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