Manage your minions, defend your base, and conquer this puny planet ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Author Comments:
MASTERMIND: WORLD CONQUEROR – Manage your minions, defend your base, and conquer this puny planet ONCE AND FOR ALL!
WARNING: For assistance in figuring out what to do next, click the Help button for options at the top of the game screen, or click the Question Mark buttons in each of your rooms for further explanation.
This is the first game I have ever developed from scratch and programmed myself on top of all game visuals, so I do truly hope you enjoy my six months of efforts in bringing you this game. It wouldn’t have been the same without the unrivaled vocal talents of TomaMoto, as well as Andy Dennis, Egoraptor, Suzy (Egoraptor’s better half), Tom Fulp, Rinachan, Afro-Ninja, Luis Prieto, Toonimated, and of course myself as the Mastermind đ Who could forget that?
So go conquer the world already! GOOD LUCK, YOU’LL NEED IT.
Infinite Attack Bug – Your base continues to flash “Under Attack” even though you’ve survived all attacking enemies. This prevents your game from saving and your units from healing. Currently, the only way to fix is to return to the menu and Continue from your previous checkpoint, or Evacuate your base for another (which, unfortunately, will lose the base you are evacuating, but at least your progress will be saved).
Turret No-Target Bug – A targetting glitch causes turrets to target enemies they cannot see, preventing them from attacking enemies that come close to them. This glitch resolves itself after you’ve cleared the checkpoint.
Tutorial Freeze – Should be fixed now. If not, starting a New Game will reset the tutorial for you.
Release date