Marahute Summon

*Please full-view to download!* This also works better the faster a processor you have, obviously.

Holy cow…3:00 am and I finally finish. It’s weird; I started this animation like a month ago, forgot about it for a month, then suddenly it completely consumed my life today; I couldn’t focus on anything else until it was done. So it’s done, yay! XD

Anyways, in musing over what would be some cool new summons in Kingdom Hearts 2 awhile back, I thought that Marahute (the huge golden eagle from “Rescuers Down Under”) would be a kickass summon. So naturally, I had to see it, and the only way to do that was to try and animate it myself. So that’s what I (at least tried) to do.

I think there’s something a little off on the frame rate in some sections; perhaps also not enough in-betweens. Maybe if I ever have scads of time (haha, which won’t be happening aaaanytime soon; as projects have finally caught up with me), I’ll go back and clean up the animation and add more in-betweens where they’re needed.

I also think I have some weird obsession with animating huge flying things… ._.

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Marahute Summon screenshots

Marahute Summon Gameplay

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