Third banner’s version of my Website :
Others donuts with the blue Button, a memory game with colors and sounds on the cut in half orange ( just repeat the first sound..and the second one, and third to infinite and beyond ! )
♫ click on them ! ( and the Miyazaki orange in the back, plums, the honey jar ( with a bee who doesn’t to be Caught ) , kiwi, cofee beans.. )
Many references in movies : we have ” back to the future ” “breaking bad”, “Snatch”, “my neigbourg Totoro”, die hard and Lost in translation
Games sound : Mario and Earthworm jim
and for music : Andrews sister, Queen, Flight of the conchords , alborosie , Manon Bédart ( yoddle ) and Pierre perret 😀
good luck to find them all 🙂
Loose. your. time 🙂 )
And Join my Facebook page, we have cookies ! :
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Banner-WEbsite v03