This was an assignment for last week’s fundamentals of authoring class. I wish I could upload some of the absolute disasters of final projects that were submitted, but alas, copyright IS copyright. However, I do have copies of them all on my pen drive.
It never ceases to amaze me at just how fragile the egos are of some students. Personally, when I work on stuff, I make it in an effort so that it has no grounds in which the teacher can rail on me. Some students complain that my flash teacher was too rancorous with his delivery of critique, and didn’t like the fact that he criticized their crappy artwork. Oh, heavens! You know what, you idiots? Instead of submitting absolute crap and getting confused over the simplicity of Flash’s database, and giving up entirely on action scripting (the fundamentals of which should be in written notes, displayed in preinstalled templates, or widely available in Online tutorials), why not try something new?
How about you don’t turn in crap. Holy mother of Plainters, mine eyes have seen the light!
I guess I should discuss a little more regarding my teacher. He’s not a nice guy. He won’t coddle your fragile psyche or pat you on the back saying “there there little baby, don’t worry, we all procrastinate and turn in finals that took us fifteen minutes to make”. No. He’s a huge deep-voiced bulk with razors in his dreadlocks. He’s the kind of guy who goes home at night and makes love while watching Roadhouse. He’s also the kind of teacher who has a critique style similar to that which I demand of my own watchers on my own work. If it’s crap, then come out and say it’s crap.
He’ll do that. He’ll look them in the face and say “this looks incomplete. It sucks.” Then if they’re all devastated, he does the “oh come on, you expect to get a job and hold onto it” tirade, regarding how clients will tear the hell out of an artist if they don’t like his work. Oh, and you’ve gotta see him explode when the students decide to argue back. Look, if the teacher doesn’t like something, don’t defend it you morons. Don’t say “it’s my style” or “it’s supposed to be like that” because guess what, you don’t sign your own paycheck. When in the commercial art world, having an appalling style will inevitably result in a massive failure to gain any work. I would love to recite real-life examples, but unfortunately, I’ll be damned if somebody with a horriffic style actually made a name for themself.
Anyways. I created this piece with the intention of not wanting to get massacred on my final. Though a lot of students got grilled for contributing to what had to be the most God awful batch of final projects I have ever seen in any class, at least the resident DeviantART Politics Forum Aces, aka myself, *punkerfox, and !SoothsayerAyzahar got through just fine. Even though *punkerfox did recycle his final from the last time he took the class. Eh well, I got a dollar when I bet him he would do just that last week. Kinda obvious considering he got World of Warcraft updated.
I had a minor miscalculation when writing up the storyboards and concept art for this project. I thought that Saint Patrick’s day was THIS week instead of LAST week.
Release date