This was the final assignment for my “Intro to Games art and Design” unit. =)
We had to modify a game either in GameMaker or using whatever modification tool was at our disposal for that particular game (ie: like the WoW modification stuff) and change it fairly significantly, then see which one our guinea pi-err… user testers preferred :XD:
…I just ended up recreating a supremely simpler version of my chosen game in Flash :B The game I “modded” is a GameMaker game known as “Crush” –> .
It’s a simple timewaster game that has no value other than being amusing if you are bored :la:
There’s still some glitches in this game (mostly to do with the enemy tanks, sometimes they just…fail) but i dont know what’s causing it…probably a counting error or something seeing as i’m not using arrays or anything to control them |D
Anyway! !IMPORTANT for gameplay, read on:
:bulletblue: Read the in-game instructions! They’ll tell you important stuff!
:bulletblue: When preforming the X, C, V key associated moves you GOTTA GOTTA GOTTA (try a little tenderness) hold down on the associated key until the move is completed
ESPECIALLY for the power up move, otherwise it will disappoint you :meow: HOLD THAT KEY DOWN FOR AS LONG AS MY POWER UP LOADING BAR SAYS YO.
:bulletblue: You CAN destroy buildings, if you kick, stomp or jump on them long enough C:
:bulletblue: If you notice the tanks dont stop when they should and dont attack you, step on them anyway XD I tried to fix this and it seeeeems ok now when i play it, but just in case i’ll leave this point up lol. I think this may also cancel out the “way too many” tanks glitch C:
:bulletblue: High scores are local not global (ie: your high score will not be viewable to everyone, only people who played the game on the same comp as you). I dont think i can make a global score without an available backend server or what not ~
lol i am getting slightly better at making these random sidescroller games |D
Art + game mod (c) *
Release date