Plant crops, hire workers and sell your products in this idle-type farming game.
JAN 6, 2018 1:30PM
0.98b Fix
– Fixed a bug that could cause a âblack screenâ after pressing PLAY button.
APR 4, 2016 3:17PM
0.98 Salesmen update
– Salesman selling speed is now affected by the working multiplier (offline production greatly boosted).
– Added a new upgrade for increasing salesman automatic selling price.
– Upgrades window now have 12 available upgrades to buy instead of 6 (its needed to refresh it with a re-roll or purchase).
– Some minor corrections and additions.
MAR 18, 2016 5:20PM
0.97 â Buttons buttons
– Options buttons moved to main screen.
– Added a âsell allâ button (at last ;)).
MAR 9, 2016 1:10PM
0.96 â Merchant
– Added a merchant who buys your âstaredâ produce and gives you prestige directly (without need to move to a new farm).
– Auto-sales speed of the store salesmen is now affected by the prestige working bonus.
– After move to a new farm, now you are asked to produce some crops on a field before be able to unlock the next one.
JAN 27, 2016 3:22PM
0.95b â Optimization
Serious optimization on calculations: in my tests, now the framerate does not drops down so much when crops are in a super-speed state. I hope it works good for you too (let me know if not).
Version 0.95c sometimes has input lag.
Release date