Escape With The Treasure Game

Escape With The Treasure Game

This is the 115th games specialy designed by exclusively for our beloved fans. Assume that in a new exhibition at Rome, an imposing fortress-turned-state museum, visitors get the chance to see top-notch antiquities and artefacts that might never have been on public display. The exhibition, which includes dozens of works of art, One treasure is the head and extremities of a Museum, which is the sparkling eye ball of a mermaid; dating from 530 to 520BC, this is one of the oldest in the Western world and you impressed on that treasure and decided to make it as yours. So, you have to stole that one from the museum. Click on the objects to interact and solve puzzles. Play enagames and give your support for us!!


Escape With The Treasure Game screenshots

Escape With The Treasure Game Gameplay

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