Errors ’08

This is the sequel to the somewhat popular game Windows Errors 2007. Now Mac OS X have joined, and we’re making fun of it too. And there’s also four windows operating systems, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center Edition and Windows Vista.

I’ve been reading reviews, and I’ve tried to make this pretty much like the people wanted. Some favorite errors have returned in this new version, but there’s many new ones too. In total there are 46 funny error messages.

Oh yeah, this isn’t really a real project by me, just something I’ve created while I’ve been bored.

UPDATE: Forgot Icon
UPDATE: People, please don’t write your ideas for errors in your reviews. If you want me to know about them, please fetch me a PM 🙂

Release date



Errors ’08 screenshots

Errors '08 Gameplay

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