Cloud Clearer

My Pony name is Half-n-Half.
Disclaimer: I am unaffiliated with either Desktop Ponies or Foozogz. I’m just a big fan of their stuff, and borrowed it for this short, small project.

Exact crediting:
Coding: Half-n-Half
Actionscript: Half-n-Half

Music: Foozogz (PepperBrony)
Song title: “Rainbowdash and Fluttershy Go For a Leisurely Glide”

Graphics: Desktop Ponies
RainbowDash: Starstep pony, if I’m not mistaken
Background graphics: Half-n-Half
Lettering: Half-n-Half

This project was started Sunday, September 30th, 2012. I used it as a way to practice my AS3.0 coding, having finally, finally taken the leap from AS2.0. I’m fairly happy with the results, even though the AS3.0 back-end is pretty ugly to behold.

A lot of the extra graphics were from a previous shelved project I had tried working on, although it was far too ambitious for just one person to work on.

I’m just glad the Pony community has such awesome resources out there. I really want to give credit to the Desktop Ponies and Foozogz, their work is phenomenal, check them both out and give them the props they deserve when you can. I would have posted a link to Desktop ponies, but their site was having DNS issues at the time. Foozogz’s Bandcamp is linked above.

Edit: Playing it in a browser is a little weird. It lags ever so slightly, so I suggest clearing any other windows that may be running flash, if that’s… ok with you… *fluttersqueak*

Release date



Cloud Clearer screenshots

Cloud Clearer Gameplay

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